Friday, February 04, 2005

Have you ever opened up Windows Task Manager and wondered "what the hell is LSASS.exe and what is it doing that is benefitting my computer?"

Oh yeah. I just checked everything running. They seem okay. There was a lot more crap on it before though, I uninstalled so much stuff. Hopefully my computer will be stabler now.

Outside we are testing the cool ASUS PC. For some bizarro reason, the CD Play function (the one that doesn't require booting into the actual computer) doesn't work but the FM tuner does. Hmm. Did you know it has a 6 in one card reader? (memory stick, SD, etc) \o/ But it looks so cool. And it even tells the time!

Yeah. Tomorrow morning me and William leave early for the theme park. I am charging my phone I hope I don't forget it, cause that would suck. I've got 2k on me as safe money. (2k is roughly NZ 100). I must remember to remind William to bring camera. Must remember to take shower tomorrow morning.

Yes , it's 10.30 now - goodnight! (Hi Brian)

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