Saturday, August 07, 2004

Okay, story for today.


I was sitting at home, on my computer right, chatting away as usual, when I heard an unfamiliar knock on the door. (It's funny how you can kinda make a random guess whether you know the person at the door or not just by the force of the knock, the pitch and volume of the knock itself, etc.)

I opened the door, not particularly happy since it's a Saturday morning and I hadn't taken a shower or anything and I probably looked semi-stoned. Turns out that it was two Jehovah Witnesses at the doorstep - one was a silly looking Asian lady who didn't do much through the whole encounter other than nod her head, while the other one was the one who did the talking and attempted conversion. Owen and Abigail I do believe (random sidenote: Abigail? What sort of name is that? That's like calling a guy Thom. What do you want him to be, beaten up at school?)

Anyway apparently they'd come on the premise that William was home and they wanted to talk to him but...William and my mum had gone to Botany for some retail therapy, which left me all home alone and completely unprepared and slightly annoyed at this random intrusion. Since William wasn't home they told me that they'd come back tomorrow morning (which if I'm lucky I won't be around) and they gave me some random magazines to give to him. I thought that was the end of my troubles, that I could safely now end the conversation and go back to being a loner at home. It seems that I didn't have a bad enough look on my face (maybe if I was half naked they would have left earlier), because they didn't just go away. They deviously manipulated their way into changing the subject from "is William home" to "how are you I'm going to talk to you about some Jehovah stuff"...first it started off with "are you William's brother", then they got my name...and then they got my school subjects...and then he started talking about Physics and suddenly WHAM there it is, the opening for the religious conversion attempt.

The guy whipped out some bible (I must say though, I did nothing to dissuade him) and talked about some stuff about black holes and some stars and some passage in the bible that says something along the lines of "there are many stars and God knows where they all are and energy and stuff". Now, here was the crucial point. I could have gone "MY WORD THATS SO TRUE I COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY BELIEVE YOU NOW"...but unfortunately I'm just not built that way.

His leaving question was, "Where did the energy [to make the stars] come from?" Obviously he implied that Jehovah God must have made it and based that on the fact that it was written in The Bible. And here is the crucial point that stops me in even contemplating in believing in any religion that has a Holy Book/Record/Transcript. He was reading from a Bible. But...everybody says it's at least 2000 years old. Let me make a very simple analogy for you.

Ever heard of the game "Chinese Whispers"? Yes. Well, imagine having to remember not just one sentence, but a lot of books. Now, instead of going around in a circle once, go around the circle for 2000 years. And involve a lot of people.

How accurate is the final thing going to be? How much of it is truth, how much of it is fake? Who knows?

I'm sorry if I'm indirectly offending anyone, these are just my views. Feel free to counter them. Start an argument, I like arguments. They're very engaging. That's why I don't like the bible. I don't like people reading from the bible because to me it's like reading a pack of unknown lies.

I must say though, that big black Jehovah witness guy called Owen (not the random Asian lady) was really quite clever and perceptive. He'd make a good salesman. A very cunning linguist.

And there ends my interesting story for the day.

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