Monday, August 09, 2004

I learnt something interesting in physics today. You see, I'd noticed that for all my life (that I can remember, anyway), I saw clearly defined blue and red edges to most things. (For example, right now the left edge of my monitor is blue, while the right edge has a red tinge). Well, the answer to this is because of my glasses. Yes, that's right. You see, the different wavelengths of visible light refract/diffract different amounts through my glasses. As a result, chromatic aberration occurs and that's what those silly edges I see are.

Now I know two things:

1. Why that happens.
2. They're not supposed to happen.

All the more reason for awesome LAZER EYE SUGERY later on in life.

In other news, my mum is doing kung fu and it looks really silly. Tee hee.

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