Day two of Orientation Week.
Apparently, all that orientation going on still isn't getting into me. While I did manage to find my way to the MLT1 Lecture Room in the Science Building, I didn't manage to find Student Job Search and sign up there...instead, I found Shadows and me not being 18 = me not entering...missed the School of Music tour I signed up for cause the COMPSCI101 Lecture finished pretty much on 11, and I was supposed to be at the school of music five minutes before then. Meh.
The COMPSCI lecture was pretty okay. Saw three people I knew (infinite number higher than people I know in PHYSICS150), notably Matt Meffin. Must remember to steal homework from him *evil grin*
And all these clubs! Holy crap. Some weirdos trying to fence...this big boat in the middle of nowhere...gah. Go away clubs I don't want to join you. Some guy asked me if I was ready for the "30 second challenge". *ahem* No.
Apart from that, that's all I did today. Two lectures...found where me and William's joint locker is, did a bit of COMPSCI101 homework (yeah they gave out homework on the first lecture....;_; then again our lecturer tried to teach us how to juggle too so...)...yeah
And now I'm home.
The last three "paragraphs" start with the letter "a".
I was reading the COMPSCI Course Handbook on the bus (well, half the journey, the other half I was pseudo-sleeping). It's still confusing but I reckon if I just keep reading it or put it next to my head that information will slowly siphon into my brain. Maybe.
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