Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So today I got to sleep in (still woke up at like 9.30 anyway) and...went into the city, just for Choir Practice -_- Yeah. Half hour to tamaki, half hour on tamaki bus, then on the way back the same thing. So, two hours, for one hour of choir. I don't think I'll be going again. I might email the guy say I'm busy on Wednesdays or something.

Choir was...interesting. I know i've said this before, but it's so weird that I have to mention it again, they made me Bass II. There's this one note which I can *just* hit at the end of the first section/movement...hmm. Yeah. And the vocal warmups this guy got us to do were just bizarre...

Oh yeah, signed up at SJS (thats where the job description I posted up a while back came from). Might see them tomorrow for a referral or something. I need money -_-

The bus from City to Tamaki was PACKED. And mostly with people who wanted to drive home (including me. -_-)

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