Monday, March 07, 2005

Was *barely* in time for first lecture this morning...William *just* caught the bus into the City from Tamaki...o_O it's amazing what the difference in traffic is, if you're just 5 or so minutes slower in leaving the house than you usually are. o_O

XD Had Music 103 Keyboard Lab Assessment. I really suck ^^" Couldn't play the easiest one I guess I'm starting from the start, which sucks, because that means I can't get more than 80% or something stupid. But, meh.

Had first Physics Lab. DUMBEST LAB EVER, basically spent two hours measuring the width of a table with a cubit (the distance from your fingertip to elbow) and a mini-cubit (distance from first to second knuckle). Imagine measuring a decent sized table with your knuckles...five times...and tell me you don't find it stupid. :P At least there are cool people in the lab stream I'm in, some guy called...uh...Daniel? Some chick called Julia...I dunno. I'll remember next week maybe o_O

Saw Raymond walk past while I was on the Tamaki bus today. Also saw Simon Janko David and someone else. Obviously I didn't destroy a bus window in an insatiable urge to say hi, or anything. Raymond you look dodgy and rapist like with your crazy curly hair and facial hair. Just a thought. ^^

Currently listening to "Lovers' Walk" by "Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra". Great song.

Bought some iced-tea from Tamaki Munchy-Mart today. Quite nice.

Someone wanna go to cinemas this Saturday? Maybe watch Constantine or something?

I really like the keyboard of me and William's shared computer, it's great. Good response and feels good and looks good too. In fact, new computer is wickedly legendary, I wouldn't be surprised if someone came along and went "whoa that's a wicked legend".


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