Friday, December 08, 2006

You have your own view on why I came back and my "reason" for vacuuming. You don't know me and I don't pretend to know you so don't assume that I did it to justify coming back. I promised William I'd do it and that's that.

Fine. But you didn't do a very good job. Being in a bad mood is not an excuse to be sub-par. Kids at the Rec Centre have vacuumed to a higher standard. And I think William said something about how you would re-do it? Still waiting. I don't know why I bother, I should just do it myself. Anyway, it's just vacuuming. I shouldn't have to tell you what the more important things are. No, they do not start with "d" and end with "ownloads".

To be honest, I don't know what you mean by "stealing company money" because you seem to have no qualms over using "company money" to pay for your bus passes. I don't use it to pay for my petrol so don't think you can stand the moral high ground on me.

Uh, in case you didn't get it, that was talking about bandwidth, not the mum fund. Mum used to pay for my bus passes. Just keeping the status quo, dunno what you were talking about. And you want to play moral high ground, I can display on the lovely internet for everyone to see what you have been downloading, but I am sure you wouldn't like that.

Don't try and rationalise why you seem to love irritating me. If you want help say so. William can ask me to do things nicely. Why can't you? You complain about me coming back and the first thing I say to you is "why did you stop my downloads" Well, why is it that I can have a good conversation with William and not you? Because he doesn't mess with anything. Try not touching my downloads and maybe the first thing I'd say to you would not be about it. Simple logic really. And I don't think you are in any position to judge whether or not I do enough help to justify anything.

You are assuming that it is always me who stops your downloads. Unfortunately, you can't prove it cause you're hardly home; it hasn't been just me who stops them. They screw us all over. Why don't you ask William? I don't want to involve him, but if you won't believe me, ask him;

we need the internet ---> your downloads stop --> we do whatever we do --> we turn it back on

I don't turn them off to irritate you, I turn them off so I can get on with things. You have no right to download 24/7 full speed when you are not present. You don't. Sorry, you can't justify it. It's household internet, not "internet for Richard to download unlimited BT". I think it would be prudent to point out that household internet should be for people involved in the household.

Also. Whether I stop your downloads is irrelevant to whether it's the first thing you decide say to me. Something that is not along the lines of "why did you touch my downloads again" would be a good start - you already know the answer and frankly I'm fucking sick and tired of fighting over the internet. It's not worth it.

Also, you seem to have the great fortune of forgetting to turn it on once you leave. I've already set it so that you shouldn't have to touch anything and yet you still do. Explain that one then.

Yeah, so that I shouldn't have to, but I wouldn't turn it off if it didn't help. To use your argument; Are you me? Are you psychic? Do you know what it is like before and after I turn them off? No. You don't know what it is like, because you're not me. The difference is very noticable. Ask any one of us.

You put all your stuff on the list, run away for a few days, come back and then get annoyed when it's not done. Well frankly this is a family home, not somewhere for you to stockpile downloads. Seriously, I check every night that your downloads are on. It's not my fault you come home before I turn them back on before bed, at the latest.

Not to mention my messages are not angry, "Next time you change something on my computer, please return it to the way it was when you finish. I suggest you just don't change anything because you probably will forget what goes where" is not angry at all, unless you make it that way. If I were to leave an angry message it would probably be more harsh. Or I could just not leave a message at all and do something angry instead.

Sure, because that would be exactly the mature side of you we've come to expect. Stuff like "oh i'm going to lock in my personal stuff to household shared stuff, and password protect my computer, so that you, personally, cannot do anything about my monopoly over the internet. oh yeah i will also run around to other people's computers and install stuff without permission, just to further spite you. i will ignore the fact that my downloads get turned back on at night, and focus on the totally unfair position that they should be on all the time even when i am not home".

Funny that, I recall you telling me to grow up...


I remember when we first got this new and upgraded broadband, which you had said would improve stuff for everyone. I didn't really believe that anyone's position but yours would improve. As usual with your download obsession you get all excited over your bittorrent. And then we tried to surf the internet, and it didn't work. And then Jack told you to BT at night. What happened to that?

Oh. Oh burn.

I guess I was right about the only person benefitting would be the one who contributed the least to the household. Please do not think "oh, I vacuumed." Contributions to the household extend further than chores.

The problem is not you turning them back on or not... Rather you turning them off in the first place. Why disrupt your routine by having to constantly turn it back on all the time. Just leave it on. It would make life much easier for all of us.

How about: why disrupt our internet by having downloads constantly on all the time? We turn it off when we need the internet. It would make life much easier for all of us. Why should your downloads get highest priority all the time? Your downloads can go at any time of the day, but people aren't going to use the internet the entire 24 hour day. It's more disrupting to my routine to have to mash refresh to load something as basic as Webmail, instead of just turning your downloads off while we need the internet and then turning them back on for the night.


I will have no more on this topic. It happens all the time. I'm fucking sick of fighting over what really should be a non-issue; we turn them off when we need to use the internet. And then we turn them back on. End of story. If you do not agree, please discuss with William. You don't seem to believe me. And if we forget to turn them back on, well, you can come home periodically and check. Your downloads can go on at night. People need to sleep. Ergo, while people are sleeping, you can download until your hard drive explodes.

Or you could move out. You might as well, then you can have all the downloads you want at wherever you choose to live; you can have a big download hut with your laptop and your desktop going 24/7 downloading all the crap you want. You don't even come home to sleep any more, anyway. Maybe take your clothes with you next time, you've already taken your shampoo.

But if you wanna be involved in this house, you have to play by the rules.

And don't bother replying to this either, because I'd just be repeating myself. Can't be bothered.

I don't like you, but it doesn't mean we cannot be civil. This home means a lot to me. I've had enough of you ruining the experience.

I can't believe I'm up until 2 in the morning with this load of horseshit.

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