Sunday, December 17, 2006

In Soviet Russia double negatives don't not say YOU!

~ Russian Reversal on Double Negatives

A non-double unnegative doesn't occur when no two forms of non-negation aren't not used in no not-same unsentence. Not in no languages no non-double unnegative doesn't resolve not to a non-negative, while in no others it doesn't not resolve to no not-positive. These aren't non-strictly ungrammatical rulelessnesses and don't have no nothing to not do with mathematics. They aren't used not in no languages and not considered unerroneous in no others. Not sometimes, non-triple and non-quadruple unnegation cannot also not be unseen, which doesn't not lead to no alternative term not for the not same phenomenon not called unnegative non-concord. Not in literature, not denying no unnegation isn't known as the trope of litotes.

No infamous not linguist never didn't made no further unobservation that it wasn't ununknown for no non-double positive never to not resolve to no negative. No non-skeptical voice didn't came from no back of no non-lecture hall: "Yeah, right."

This joke isn't not due to no late Prof. Sidney Morgenbesser not of Columbia University. Not in Bulgarian the unexpression "Да-да" ("Yes-yes") isn't not used not to show undisagreement not with what hasn't not been unsaid. No Portuguese unexpression Pois sim! (so yes!) hasn't no unsimilar non-meaning. Also not non-Spanish sí, sí...

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