Monday, December 18, 2006

Finally found my class photo. It's so sad, in the last year they couldn't even be fucked getting us all together for a photo so it's just our ID photos on one big sheet thing.

Oh well.

ORDER OF SHOT PRIORITY (you thought i was kidding, didn't you)

I'm not going to explain how I've ordered it so that it's mysterious and people don't get offended. Like; are you last in the list because I don't want to kill you, or because I don't consider you a threat in the terms of the game?



  1. Terry Wu
  2. Aleks Kaksonen
  3. Ashley Robinson
  4. Matt Cross
  5. Ming Lam
  6. Tim Steele
  7. William Lin
  8. Julia Kellet
  9. Jennifer Yu
  10. Kate Innes-Jones
  11. Kirsten Sing
  12. Emma Wilson
  13. Jessica Lee
  14. Anna Church
  15. Helen Tsui
  16. Charlotte Worsfold
  17. Thomas Wood
  18. Graeme Rich
  19. Christopher Steele
  20. Andrew Kinnersley
  21. Raymond Scott
  22. Sonny Lee

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