Thursday, May 05, 2005

compsci test back


But argh I so could have gotten 100%. Two multichoice questions wrong - 3% each so thats where I lost marks. ARGH. And it wasn't the hard multichoice either, they were the basic fundamental seeing that int a = 5 / 0 will compile, but will cause a run time error (duh...(for those who don't understand, try to divide by zero sometime))...and that 2 % 5 = 2. Argh.

So I could have gotten 100%. But I'm happy with 94. Highest was 98.5%. Not sure how you get that..

[ Minimum mark: 9
Lower Quartile: 50
Median: 71
Upper Quartile: 83.5
Maximum: 98.5]


Someone from Student Life tried to convert me today. XD

Don't buy Aquashot Apple. It tastes like water, only with a medicinal apple aftertaste. Medicinal. MEDICINAL!!!

okthnx Leonie liked the start of my first piano miniature for Assignment 2 for 110. OK BYE

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