Wednesday, December 31, 2003

EPISODE SEVENTEEN: Another day, another glory.

More, more and, even more random things I did today:

1. Went past an abandoned theme park (I also did this yesterday but I forgot to mention it)
2. Are, uh, tofu...uh...I can't translate it to English. I ate stuff. That's the one. >.>
3. Went to see the Taipei International Young Power Drum and Dance Festival 2004 (or some other similarly complex and overwhelming name). There were three performances today. First was the Taipei drum group (I forgot their official name) - it rawked, what with a lion dance and all as well. Gotta love the AZN rhythm. Then there was the Japanese Taiko stuff, and that was awesome too, with 20 minutes of non-stop rythmic orgasms. Then, there was the Koreans. They took ages to set up but they were pretty unique. A la stomp, they used lead pipes and rubbish bins quite well too (maybe it's in the upbringing, who knows...) Yeah, it kicked ass.

I'm going to some place called Hua Lien in Taiwan the day after tomorrow, so no internet for about four days. Not that any of you care. It's reputed to have quite nice scenery so I'm bringing my camera and stuff along.

That's all for now. It's like, 12.43. That's like, late.

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