Thursday, May 04, 2006

So it was a late night bus ride, right...cause 6.00pm is night-time, now. There was this lady facing the otherway on those otherway seats (you know the one). Anyway. I thought she was sleeping (like a lot of people on the bus) because her eyes were closed. But then, about halfway through bus ride I looked toward the floor and saw something furry. And then, I looked at it. And I figured out it was a guide dog, for the lady siting the other way. ANYWAY my point is isn't it totally amazing how they can get around o_O Like. It should be a celebration or something, I know I certainly can't do it with my eyes closed. The blind lady even knew exactly when to press the stop button, and when to get off... either she was counting the number of times the doors opened, or she knows the left-right formation of the route, forwards AND back.


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