Sunday, May 21, 2006

I just had the largest freaking battle with the WORST adware/spyware I've EVER come across. I think I've won. But. Can't be sure.

All this for Sibelius 4 lol that'll learn me to randomly click things.

My laptop got hit with this:

Ridiculously vicious. It hides itself in the process listing (so ctrl alt del won't show it up), you can't delete it, it calls itself system critical so it still runs in windows safe mode...vicious vicious bastard. I eventually found an uninstaller from the guys who made it, but you never know what else they put on there.

At least Adaware (google it) says I don't have anything atm so...hopefully it'll stay that way. I'm just glad I don't have to re-format my laptop.

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