Wednesday, November 03, 2004

ARR I have until TOMOOROW AFTORECHSOL to finish my Art Photography exam prepatory work...;_; arr arr ARRRRRR

GYAR Yaggra...


on the last day I really wanna give all my teachers over the years presents but I can't afford it. a list however of all the cool teachers would be appropriate, in no particular order:

Mrs. McDougall
Miss Hall
Ms. Warner
Mr. Beard
Dr. Holborow

How much chocolate is that...o_O (edit: i cut out a lot of teacher's names. then i realised that if i kept going i would end up with nobody. so these are the elite five or some such...)

Hrm. Maybe I could buy it after school tomorrow or something...


;_; ;_; i just want to sleep for a long long time (no im not suicidal dont worry)

In other words, America is currently being silly by voting Bush. Who would vote Bush?! WHO WOULD VOTE BUSH?! ...actually, I dont know anything about John

In fact I don't care who runs America as long as America doesn't run the world. Get the fuck off. I am annoyed that Susan Wood calls it the most important/powerful job in the world. No, sorry. Susan Wood you're just a lousy replacement for the highly annoying Paul Holmes. Except that you blink a lot more which is even more irritable.

At least the show isn't PAUL HOLMES (with Susan Wood) anymore.

Today at lunchtime me and Ellen were EXTREMELY NAUGHTY and walked right out of school (Ellen was actually already on Study leave but I was wagging MATHS oooh OOOOH) to Mobil Corner where I paid for chippies and drink. Then we sat at the stairway outside the artroom, the main walkway to the crossing outside the Art Block and ate our chips. Also we hid a whole lot of lollies in preparation for our Art exam. Hurray for lollies! I also *gasp* walked on a lot of grass and my hair *gasp* touched my collar.

Rikky's right. You have more fun when you break more rules. But then the fun catches up to you as things like "jail" and "life sentence"....

I never said that.

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