Friday, April 09, 2004



But come, let us force upon 2000 students a religion. Smart move, Macleans College. Way to promote religious choice. Anyway, that was yesterdays news, the forced sermon. (Damn I hate those.)

Today is...EASTER! Which means...bunnies and chocolate.

I've always wondered. Why bunnies? Is it because animals that mate constantly and poo all over the place and are a huge pest in New Zealand are great reflections on people who follow the Christian faith? ...maybe. Chocolate - something that tastes so sweet but rots your teeth, makes you fat and melts in the sun?

Hmm. That's all I wanted to say.

AND ALSO "The Amazing and Death Defying Diary of Eugene Dingman" by Paul Zindel is a great book. This is the third time I've read it, after "acquiring" it during intermediate years. Each time I read it I pick up something different. Looking back it is quite funny when I read it in Form 1 and I was all Make love to yourself? Wet dream?

Tee hee.

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