Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Couple of notes, just for now:

1. I believe I am being chased by a praying mantis...one was in my hair the other day when I was in front of the computer (which confuses the shit out of me, how the hell does a praying mantis end up in a house with all windows and doors closed anyway??) and this morning on the way to work there was one on the car window...

2. Work! I'm getting paid! It's not too bad! Today was alright, other than I had quite a big headache and flu thing.

3. Lots of new people at work. Notable additions:

- Annoying girl(s) who keep following me.
- Male twins (?) who like "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" from The Darkness.
- An extremely shy girl who does absolutely nothing.
- Some nine year old kid who looks exactly like Shawn Ashmore would if he was 9. Maybe.
- All these volunteers I know from school (yes you Sunny yes you.)

XD Anyway. Gunbound is down. I have a blocked yet running nose (dont ask how it works, it just does), I've heard no word from the band and I have a headache.

Oh well.

[Edit: If you dont' know who Shawn Ashmore is, think Iceman in Xmen or Xmen 2. Linky link: http://hometown.aol.com/abm614/shawn1.gif]

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