Friday, March 12, 2004

Fucking hell. Some stupid Girl Guides girls just ran up to my house and asked me if I wanted Girl Guides biscuits. I would have said yes if they weren't dressed like sluts. What is wrong with teh youngin's?! They proceeded then to fuck around with the awesome weather machine which Thomas gave me the little shits and run all over my caving stuff which I had set out to dry. Grr.

And as for the party thing, I have an excuse. If I tell it to myself often enough I'll also believe it. I'll just say I fell asleep and my brother was online. >.> But if any of you read this I really wanted to go, the real reason I can't is because my brother isn't home and I'm lazy to call people and I suck cause I can't find DVDs etc.

Yeah. I just wanted to complain about annoying Girl Guides who don't seem to understand "No I don't have money on me" as a cue to FUCK OFF BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOUR BISCUITS.

Sorry about the language. I've been swearing a lot lately. I've just noticed it at camp...-_- But I probably have been for a year. Oh well.

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