Saturday, July 29, 2006

The soundtrack to Drakengard/Drag-On Dragoon is totally awesome. It's like electro-orchestral, but more the compositional electronic music type; in saying that I mean the stuff they do at Uni.

The weird stuff.

That's exactly right. So vibrant and characterful and energetic etc. The electronic treatment just gives it this extra degree of freedom to be even more expressive. So many letter E's.

It is, after all, the most common letter.


How To Download videos From YouTube

First, you need a download link.

Go here, at the top of the page there is a place for you to put the URL for the YouTube video you want to download. Put it in, then click download, and save the file to desktop.

This file will be called get_video, and will have no extension. Rename it to whateveryouwant.flv

All videos on YouTube are of file format FLV, which is flash video. If you're cool, you'll have a flash video player already, otherwise, go here to get the best conversion program I have ever seen:

If you don't know how to use the program...tough. Learn. Try. Trial and error. It's really not that hard.

Haha, the last time you said that, it turns out they couldn't do swing.

Damn, you're right. Oh well. Anyway; there you go, now you don't have to go online to access your favourite video or whatever.

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