Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Quick post. At the budget Terminal of Singapore. Like, only one airline operates through here, Tiger Airways or whatever, the cheapo equivalent to like Freedom Air or whatever.

Very cool sushi thingy at Terminal 2. Will explain later.

I LOST MY A STREAK :( :( My CS230 marks came back and I got a B+ ;_; very sad day. I think now that I lost my B virginity I'll be so unmotivated and stuff but it's not my fault, it's the University's.

Still waiting on two marks gosh they're slow.

;_. my marks where did you gooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Oh well I guess it;s semi ok cause it was like one of the two SUPERPLUSSAGE ones.

Langkawi was not that great. Very nice beach but you can tell it's malaysia because there's freaking rubbish all over the place. Tour was pretyt lame. blah

cruise ship over oh very sad blah will explain more later.

i have...7 minutes left on this free internet terminal.


ok. well,. Maybe i'll see you in Darwin, maybe i won't see you at all until I get back on Saturday arvo. Hope it's miserable and cold there!

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