Monday, June 19, 2006

Garlic smells really nice.


Life is a melodic cell construction. You got your melodic cells, they can occur in any order, and the cells can expand and contract in a randomized and unpredictable way.

Or is it additive rhythm? A constant pulse, with accents in unpredictable places that don't follow a set order?

Or is it isorhythm? Is there an underlying structure to it all, and though you may not notice due to the harmonization of it and the different color (pronounced dumbly French), it's really all just the same thing?


From the etymological point of view, false friends can be created in several ways:

  • Cognates. If Language A borrowed a word from Language B, then in one language the word shifted in meaning or had more meanings added, a native speaker of one language will face a false friend when learning the other.
For example, the words preservative (English), Präservativ (German), prezervativ (Romanian), preservativo (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) and prezerwatywa (Polish) are all derived from the French préservatif. However, in all of these languages except English, the predominant meaning of the word has become condom, while the most common French word for "preservative" is now conservateur. Actual has a different meaning in English than in other European languages, where it means current or up-to-date, and has the logically derivative verb to actualize meaning to make current or to update.

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