First exam is over.
Now, due to that thing that we all signed today (for those of us hit by the powah cut), I can't tell you anything. Not even the colour of the examination booklet, or what colour I had to fill out my name and ID number on. I can't tell you the format of the exam or what topics may or may not be covered. I can't tell you anything... except that it royally screwed me over lol!!! I didn't even properly attempt 10/80 (that's 12.5%) due to lack of time, but I left that mondus question till the end cause I knew I was gonna suck at it anyway.
I also printed out the email which said I should print it out (the email, not the printout of the email, although I did print out the email which turned out as the printout of the email) but they didn't want it because YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED ANY PAPER WITH YOU AT YOUR EXAMINATION (so therefore they were like we'll take it, though we don't want it, and you won't ever see it again). This meant I spent $0.10 for jack all. Also, they were so stingy on paper that when I asked for more paper to answer my question on (cause I kept getting it wrong and crossing it out and then realising it was right and recopying my answer etc and soon ran out of space), the old stingy examiner lady just said "write on the back of your exam booklet". I really hope they are marking the multiple choice questions and formal answers together, cause if they separate them out, I'm going to find that old lady, and I'm going to make her listen to high pitched Mongolian Yodelling through her nose.
I'm really glad it's over though, cause it means I can now totally forget about everything. Everything. I'm just hoping like mad on scaling, since I've got stupid mondoplussage which is totally anti-whatIwant (since I got pretty awesome assignment marks, and actually passed the midterm)
We shared an examination room (all llike, five of us strange COMPSCI225 people) with History and Politics. It was like a swarm of arts students vs some computer nerds. Then again this paper is more like surprise-maths, but hey.
This guy who I met in the maths help room smelt totally like cigarettes when he said hi randomly to me today to find out what room we were in (cause he couldn't read OR didn't have the brainpower to realise I would be sitting pretty close to the examination room anyway) and I'm sure I rose his exam mark by like 50% cause he had a look at my awesome 5 page condensed course book (half of which turned out to be really pointless and irrelevant). Man I'm banking so hard on scaling; I know I'll definitely pass but I need a B. My pass is B. Let everyone else pass at C-, I need my B (I'm too poor) (even though I am now getting teh moneiz off the government)
I am still annoyed that 90% of academy don't have a clue what swing is. You'd expect musicians to know at least a little bit about all of the fields (classical, modern, etc) and to not know swing is like...horrible. Horrible. No, it's not really "that thing that Irish soloists do". No. I couldn't care less if you mucked up the rest of my piece, but swing? You need to ask that? You need to listen to more music my friend. (specialists are people who know a lot about very little)
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