Monday, October 03, 2005

I am marking 101 Assignment 3. The marking schedule is a mess, but this is an except from their handout :)

Police sketch artists are useful for hunting criminals. Essentially a police sketch artistís
job is to ask a witness questions about a person that they have seen and then draw an
approximation of what that person looks like. The final sketch is not as good as a
photograph, but can sometimes be good enough to help the public identify the suspect
in question.
In a moment of pure genius, I thought that a similar service is urgently required for
animal attacks. For instance if a surfer is attacked by a shark it is difficult for him to
identify the specific shark that attacked them. Many innocent sharks have died in the
past because they were mistaken for the actual attacker.
Because I cannot draw, I have decided to solve this problem using a computer program
rather than an artist. Because I am lazy, I have decided that you are going to write this
program for me.
Your task is to write a computer program that asks the user several questions about an
animal they have seen. Once it has gathered the information from them, it will display
an approximate picture of the animal in question. You are restricted to only FIVE
animal characteristics that you can ask about.


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