Tuesday, October 11, 2005

1) Happy birthday to my sister!

2) On the music video at the 15 Minutes of Fame night thing.

neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
oh and we are nominated for 4 things:
best director, best lighting/cinematography, best art direction and best music video
·$1[-=Blak=-] ·$4»·$1 blakomen.blogspot.com ·$7-:-·$1 www.ffof.tk·0 says:
um so we need to be in city by 6:30 tomorrow? LOL BEST LIGHTING ZXDXDXXDDXXDDX
·$1[-=Blak=-] ·$4»·$1 blakomen.blogspot.com ·$7-:-·$1 www.ffof.tk·0 says:
neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
'open the curtains'
neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:

neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
"yeaa, that's about right"
·$1[-=Blak=-] ·$4»·$1 blakomen.blogspot.com ·$7-:-·$1 www.ffof.tk·0 says:
we dont even own a light XD
neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
neoslimd g - friedorange.blogspot.com says:
"i'd like to thank the sun"

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