Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I woke up at 6am, ready to go for my exam...

but I fell asleep again and only got out of bed at 7:50 o_O!!

Exam starts at 9:15...

I ran...to the bus-stop, grabbed a jumper (weather sucks)....

made it just in time ><

But yeah. At least I made it...the exam was not as easy as I thought it was going to be. They decided to throw in all the hard questions o_O Processing two-dimensional arrays, etc etc o_O

But yeah hopefully it will be ok.

William went in later to uni for his assignment and we had lunch at Mentatz~ it was nice. Kind of like Saika? Only these guys specialise in noodles. They were yum. I had some pork and garlic and mushroom thing, mmmmm

While we were leaving, met Jeff who was coming in with his dad for lunch.

Went to Britomart. Saw a (gasp) Learner bus! Like, a bus. With the big massive L plate on the back o_O

Got on the bus.

Met Jeff again.

William showed him the video. I think he likes it.


Got home.






lunch Mentatz

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