Friday, June 03, 2005


I'm not swearing, I just wanted to put some stars there. I'm tired. Thus, I am not required to make sense, etc etc. Last night went to bed at 1:30pm. Woke up at 5:00 (it is now 5:37) to do my freaking assignment. Yeah...last night was supposed to be done by 10:30 >.> but it's all good.

MAINZ studios. Not too bad. The guys who were recording us were really friendly. The wires that went to all the microphones that were pointin at various parts of the kit...yeah, that was pretty kewl. The kit they had well, it wasn't too nice to play on but man, magic of microphones and electronics, it sounds so much better when they record it than what it actually does sound like etc etc. The kick drum goes "bumpft". Yeah. The recording we did, way better than what Andre Cockstain did for us...last year? Man, time goes fast/dilates/am I travelling at the speed of light/oh crap, 10th is my physics exam?!

Had Burger King. -_- So much food. Gyarrrr. Who knew a double whopper really was a double whopper..TO YOUR FAEC. At least I took lots of straws to be a dick.

So yeah. The MAINZ recording has backing vocals. I sing them. These are the ones I randomly sang while Dennis was filming the music video. Apparently nobody noticed and John kept berating me on how "if someone has an idea for something they need to speak up" >.> but honestly how was I supposed to know you wanted it >.> etc etc blah blah wank wank I'm sleepy this won't make sense.

Brad I know you are reading this. I am tired. And you boosted with the CD ;_; me and Tomo wanted to enjoy da soundz in karr systam yo!

So in short:

1) I am doing my assignment. I am so freaking tired.

2) We have a very nice recording of Only The Hopeful (the techiemen haven't like fully played with it, they chucked us a rough cut of it)

3) I am SO freaking tired.

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