Monday, April 11, 2005

They say that pink is the new black.
They say that apathy is the new cool.
They say choice died out a long time ago, it got replaced by "um" preceding every syllable.
They say that if you try too hard you'll succeed. (It used to be "stop trying so hard")

Damn you success culture.

They say that carrots are the new potatoes.
They say that chalk is the new fibre.
They say that eyes are the new hands.
They say that Nivea is the new Lynx.
They say that saying that they say that is the new thing.

Do you remember the days of chatter rings? I remember the days of chatter rings. I was cool, I brought mine (it was probably my brother's and I stole it for the day) to school and I did a backwards walk-the-dog all around the basketball court. I think that was the day I got hit by a basketball and faked being blacked out. I was trying to be cool. It backfired, everyone said "omg you got blacked out by a crappy basketball". I was like, damn.

They say long anecdotes are the new magazines.
They say that twink is the new glue.
They say that chips are the new bread.

They say that lying is the new leather.
They say that vans are the new cars.


Point: I hate people who say blah blah is the new blah blah because it's all hearsay and for all I care they can go fist themselves.

Sorry, I'm sleepy. It is 10:14. What am I doing, not doing work?

Well, they say that apathy is the new cool. (Craccum is right, writing "fuck you" on an exam paper just cost you $500.)

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