Thursday, April 07, 2005


You said it was red though. Looks more pink to me!


There is something to be said about having a legitimate excuse to yell "ASS NUM" during a lecture. XD


Okay, me and Rikky were on the bus right, and there was this skank PI/Maori slag at the back of the bus. Apparently she gave Rikky the finger but I didn't notice her until after he said "hey she just pulled the fingers at me". You know how when you're bored (ie on a bus) and you just stare blankly ahead in front of you...yeah, that's usually okay unless in front of you happens to exist a skank slutho. Anyway, yeah. No need to have a huge diarrhea session just because someone's looking at you. When she got off the bus she looked in our direction and said "what" and did the whole "YO IM BLACK I GOT DA ATTITUDE FOOS". Which would have worked if she was cool, like Aretha Franklin. But she obviously wasn't.

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