Saturday, April 08, 2006

Today for lunch, I had a ham and lettuce sandwich, with buttered sesame bread and a honey mustard dressing, with a cup of juice and some cheesecake.

The delicious (but messy) shepherd's pie has been finished. We have some strange savoury cake thing now.

There are carrots in the fridge.

In a few minutes, I will have a shower. This involves getting naked, because I don't like wetting my clothes unless they are in the washing machine. I am going to use the random Dove shampoo, which contains urea which is present in your urine.

And then, I might decide to use the red Egyptian Cotton towel to dry myself. I am not very good at drying my hair. The red towel likes to molt and leave strands of fabric over my face.

It is 1:28pm.

I still miss you. I hope everything is nice and warm and comforting.

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