Sunday, April 09, 2006

Just watched V for Vendetta.

SPOILERS (highlight only when you have seen the movie)
When the little girl in the V mask gets shot it's so sad...
The V idea multiplied. Haha, kinda like a virus. Great visual image :o
I personally think he has a lot of really kool artsy hey lines. Or maybe it is just his alluring voice.

Similar to Equilibrium (crazy fighting, totalitarian oppression government based upon fear, rebellion) except 92,123,842 times better. Surprised at the lack of action, more of a thinky exercise. This movie can come close to The Matrix, except maybe even better in the case where you can't make rubbish sequels out of it. V died. Neo didn't.

I obviously do not have to say "this is just my opinion", because this is my blog, and I can say whatever I damn well feel like saying.

Under the Steve and Dennis Film Rating and Classifications Guide, V for Vendetta gets: A

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