Monday, November 28, 2005

Today, two things happened.

1) I cut my hair. It is rather short now :) That means I don't have to even worry about it for like. Yonks. Yooooonks. My mum is annoyed that I went for a $10 haircut instead of a $7 one. The three dollars, I don't think is worth fighting over. Bahaha.

2) William tooks me for a drive. Or rather, I drove and he was sitting at the passenger side. Cause. He has his full for um two years now. So. Yeah. It was rather more exciting outside of a carpark. Carparks are boring, the cars don't move and it isn't exciting, etc. L plates - maybe they stand for loooosarrrrrr cause this guy like overtook me real hardcore. ;_; Also learned how to fill up the car. Our tank-release button is rather hidden.


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