Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Okay got all my marks back (only two cause the rest of them are whole-year paper thingmiez)

10335 COMPSCI 101 0001 A+ Graded 2.00
Principles of Programming Lecture Regular Academic Session

Which I'm incredibly pleased about, but this is just confusing:

10277 PHYSICS 150 0001 A- Graded 2.00
Physics of Technology Lecture Regular Academic Session


I can hear Sonny crying now.

o_O how does that happen, when one fails an open-book multichoice exam and doesnt really understand about 1/3 of the questions in the final exam?


oh yeah apparently the video for Only the Hopeful is totally cool/and or awesome and is a FINALIST in the KODAK MUSIC VIDEO AWARDZ among videos from D4 and Steriogram and Dei Hamo...etc.

so congrats to Dennis. it'z totally awesomez.

z for power.

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