Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hello. I have not been posting much. I blame a certain piece of hardware that can be denoted by three alpha-numeric characters, originally designed in Japan, etc.

Front Mission 4: thumbs super up. ;_; I spent a lot of time on it. The game-play clock says 40 hours. o-o

Yeah. So thats where I've been >.>

Oh yeah also the Rainforest World Music Festival at the Cultural Village somewhere...here in Malaysia. It was pretty cool.

Cons (bad stuff first)

1. Smelly Indian couple who dared to complain when me and my brother (due to a packed auditorium) shared a single seat and though it was totally none of her business she gave a disapproving look and said "dat iz not ryte" as if she was the shizzle of all chairs and everybody utilizing chairs must respect the revered chair-queen. *ahem* We moved. We stayed very long after we got good seats after the first workshop in the auditorium.

2. Listening to Hillbilly music for about an hour on end. The novelty starts wearing after four songs that sound exactly the same, about how cletus died in the monsoon or whatever...and by the fourth song it's...bah.

3. Smokers. Oh, I deplore smokers. I don't mind if I dont have to see/smell/hear the smoke. But ;_; public places smoke = :(


1. Totally awesome African drumming from the Ivory Coast where they speak le Francais.

2. The Old Spice Boys from australia. Snare drummer (with a splash attached to his snare which is really cool), a tea-chest bassist (the "tea-chest bass" is basically a box, a pole and a string arranged so that it makes sound...) and a ukelele. They were very kool. I bought a CD. ;_; $60. But that's in Malaysian money so after currency exchanges it works out to be roughly okay. The ukelele/frontman-ish Azo Bell also plays the kazoo and the matchboxes, and the bassist plays the spoons.

Yes, the spoons.

3. The Finale, when they got all the different groups on stage and they performed together. Nothing awesomer than bagpipes + drum kit + african drumming + Colombian traditional singers and Italian gypsy percussion all at once. :D at the end it did get a bit messy and those mongolian people were singing way too loud though. But it was cool.


So that was that.


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