They are so cute.
They are shubunkins. What are shubunkins? Well, they are like goldfish, but instead of being lame and yellow, they are awesomely calico. What is calico? You know the stereotypical image of carp, with the black red and white? That's calico, and that's what my two lovely goldfish look like.
They are really fun to watch. Argon, especially, will do really exciting things, like slowly creep up to his reflection in the wall, and then dart back and forth, away and towards the tank wall. It's actually quite freaky how fast they can move. If they had knives, they would make awesome assassins, because you see a cute little fish, and then BAM you're knifed and bleeding to death!
Argon lives inside the castle walls. Zinc usually spends his days outside, around the short red plant. I don't know what plant it is. It just looks like a leafy plant. Like an anubia, but I doubt it is.
When I bought the plants, the guy at the shop said that not only will my goldfish eat them, but also that without lighting equipment they would die out.
Well, I've actually had to trim the big green plant, and the goldfish can hardly push the leaves out of the way, let alone eat them. Maybe if they were full-grown adult goldfish, but at this stage they just enjoy hiding under the leaves.
When I approach the tank, they will ask for food by following me, and going to the surface of the water and then back to watching me (just to check if I magically dropped food in without using my hands, which obviously I cannot). I can also play hide and seek; if I only show my eyes above the side of the table, the fish don't recognise me, and I can watch them muck around happily, but once I stand up and they see me, it's back to begging for food. Repeat.
Did you know goldfish have no stomachs? They only have intestines.
At night, they sleep inside the castle walls, just floating at the bottom. It is very cute.
And that is why I love my goldfish.
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