Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hey lol I don't know what ARron is SMoking. Lolz like ok Disturbia was pretty low in the scale of things but it's really not as bad as he says, I think its only because he's seen rear window and apparently that is 190319491823409813204 times better and stuff. ***not just better......disturbia is a total ripoff of rear window....not a remake where they acknowledge other ppl and pay them royalties, just a blatant ripoff...for those of u who havent seen rear window, just read a plot synopsis and then read one for disturbia....theyre the same.......*** So yeah. I th...silly arron just intterupted lolz ok ok

but the funny thign is right

so like they wouldn't let us use the complimetnaries for the thingy maybe she is right i dunno but on the things it doesn't say not valid for no complimentaries right, and yeah so i was rather pissed off (its not like its only a dollar off, its pretty much like 5 bucks or something i dunno you work it out) yeah so like i threw them on the hoyts floor in a fit of anger and repressed rage.

and then we went to pak n save to buy drinks and then at the checkout, we got given two of those welcome passes

lol fate is awesome, she is funny assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

***every1 go to umi if u havent already.......fukn A***

its pretty nice if you can afford it, but i only have $20 in my bacc lol.

***haha poorer than a 17 year old white guy :P***

um no i just am dumb and i have it all in a savings account. OK BYE

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