Saturday, August 30, 2003

Hello and welcome to REALITY INTERNET (tm) - I am your fucking host, Henry. And everybody knows how stupid reality TV is - take it the next step and you've got gargantuan stupid. So if you're reading this, consider yourself either very stupid or interested in what happens to me in REALITY (tm).


EPISODE ONE: The Scooby Doo Gang

Well, the background information is that Stephanie, who shall remain surnameless for privacy and security reasons, was being stalked by a random person.

Article 1: The valentines sent by said person.

There is an email address on it. Stephanie goes and adds it. Uh-oh.
The guy says some pretty weird things, wants to ask "personal questions, hehe" and writes really strange poems.

Stephanie is at a loss. What to do? Call in - the fucking Scooby Doo Gang! Sonny --> Scooby. Raymond --> Shaggy. Me --> Fred. Stephanie --> Daphne. And we made Willie Velma but he didn't do anything, really.

Hunt for the stalker commences - sonny and raymond have a headstart, source a few clues - has exams soon, blah blah blah I'm getting sick of typing this shit (that's the reality) so I'll just cut it short and say I worked out who it was (or at least 98.5% sure) and now Steph knows too.

To find out who the stalker was I came up with the idea to counterstalk. But it didn't work.

I'll leave with some interesting excerpts from my talking with said stalker:

| Session Start: 28 August 2003 |
| Participants: |
| ...l question? Hehehe. [Yoshikawa] ( |
| ... you'll die today'- James Bryon ( |
[19:49:05] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG! You're ONLINE!
[19:49:10] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: hello!
[19:50:23] 'Dream as if: wat
[19:50:36] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: oh dont be so callous to your admirer!
[19:50:39] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: do you know I am? I LOVE YOU!
[19:50:51] 'Dream as if: shut up henry
[19:51:06] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG are you serious? How can you tell me to
shut up when I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY BABIES?!?!
[19:51:31] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I look at you in Orchestra all the time and
my heart melts when I see through your glasses into your
deep black ocean of eyes.
[19:51:47] 'Dream as if: hahaah watever
[19:52:00] 'Dream as if: ur a friend of sonny
[19:52:25] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Yeah but I don't LOVE him like I LOVE you
[19:52:30] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I wrote a poem about you this morning
[19:52:37] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: "My dearest Saviour"
[19:53:17] 'Dream as if: that i'll talk about in orc...wat a laugh
[19:53:53] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Everytime I look at you my heart skips a
And I think of you like a dog on heat.
I want to bone you from behind, you're so smart,
And I love you even though you look like a fart.

Save me from the end of the world! Save me!
When I look at you I get nervous and almost have to pee;
Know that I love you forever and a day,
And I know deep down that you too are gay.
[19:53:59] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I hope you like it!
[19:54:21] 'Dream as if: very much
[19:54:21] 'Dream as if: haha
[19:54:29] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Ah, I can just imagine your smile now
[19:54:37] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: It's soo sweeeet
[19:55:00] 'Dream as if: just to let u know; i'm not andy......he's a
fucking geek with a crew cut
[19:55:11] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: oh sure.
[19:55:13] 'Dream as if: and. dream on
[19:55:20] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You're SOOO selfish!
[19:55:30] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: All you think about is you you you. What
about MY feelings for you?
[19:55:32] 'Dream as if: :P
[19:55:40] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Do you know how many times I wet myself at
night thinking of you?
[19:55:48] 'Dream as if: haha
[19:55:50] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: How many Roman fucking Catholics I'd
motherfucking rape for you?
[19:55:54] 'Dream as if: humerous
[19:56:03] 'Dream as if: roman catholics?
[19:56:07] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG! You are stupid! You spelt it wrong!
[19:56:19] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: It's humourous or humorous depending on
whether you prefer BRITISH or AMERICAN.
[19:56:29] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: But I know you have American english.
[19:56:34] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: And I love it!
[19:56:37] 'Dream as if: so
[19:57:15] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Why are you so callous to me? Can't you at
least share my enthusiasm for you?
[19:57:36] 'Dream as if: interesting
[19:57:39] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG can I ask you a personal question?
[19:57:48] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: how big is your penis? is it like bigger than
the 2.5 cm I heard?
[19:57:59] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Cause I like a guy with a small penis! That's
why I LOOOOVE you.
[19:58:08] 'Dream as if: hahahahh
[19:58:48] 'Dream as if: ur fucking weird
[19:59:02] 'Dream as if: u know chris?
[19:59:08] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Chris?
[19:59:14] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: There are a lot of Chrises.
[19:59:28] 'Dream as if: chris neil
[19:59:40] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Oh yes, he's not as sexy as you.
[20:00:03] 'Dream as if: he's the dude who plays the basson rite/
[20:00:34] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: No you stupid cunt (I love stupid people they
make me horny). The only guy who plays the bassoon is
Johnathan Martin.
[20:00:50] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Hehe can I ask you a personal question?
[20:00:53] 'Dream as if: ha
[20:00:56] 'Dream as if: no
[20:00:59] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Do you have asshairs? Or are you an immature
[20:01:07] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Cause I like little boys and you're in that
[20:02:09] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You know what I mean by little...tee hee
[20:03:00] 'Dream as if: maybe ur the one that's fucking
immature...haah laughable...sonny made fun of me on the bus
and believe me; i heard everything
[20:03:07] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Hee Hee
[20:03:09] 'Dream as if: now it's time for u to piss off
[20:03:15] The following message could not be delivered to all
recipients: Hee Hee
[20:03:39] * 'Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die
today'- James Bryon is now Offline

| Session Start: 29 August 2003 |
| Participants: |
| ... to KILL ME OMG NO! [Yoshikawa] ( |
| ...thinG; CauSe uR eYes sAy iT all ( |
[18:07:36] giA~U doN't : very funny
[18:07:38] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:08:11] giA~U doN't : ur such a freak'in shit
[18:08:15] giA~U doN't : ur are ay
[18:08:52] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAy
iT all is now Offline
[18:19:54] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAy
iT all is now Online
[18:20:13] giA~U doN't : ur full of shit
[18:20:43] giA~U doN't : henry
[18:20:44] giA~U doN't : ur fucking mad
[18:21:15] giA~U doN't : ur such a sissy
[18:21:26] giA~U doN't : mm.....maybe ur jealous
[18:21:29] giA~U doN't : u shit
[18:22:06] giA~U doN't : and maybe u should fuck ur self cause u ain't
worth it
[18:22:21] giA~U doN't : ya little fuck
[18:23:28] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAy
iT all is now Offline
[18:31:02] * :[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[ »OMGIM SO SCARED DEVILSHITFACE wants to
KILL ME OMG NO! [Yoshikawa] has changed his/her name to
:[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[ »Nice talking to yourself there
Devilmatrix. Fun, was it? [Yoshikawa]

| Session Start: 29 August 2003 |
| Participants: |
| ...atrix. Fun, was it? [Yoshikawa] ( |
| ...thinG; CauSe uR eYes sAy iT all ( |
[18:47:41] giA~U doN't : but u wouldn't dare to talk to me do ya?
[18:47:50] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: bring it.
[18:47:52] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I was away.
[18:47:59] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: And really, I still am.
[18:48:06] giA~U doN't : well;
[18:48:09] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG IM SO SCARED OF A PUSSY STALKER OH NO
[18:48:17] giA~U doN't : stalker?
[18:48:24] giA~U doN't : talking to ur self
[18:48:40] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Do you not see me mocking you? Hah. Blind.
[18:48:48] giA~U doN't : alwayz
[18:48:52] giA~U doN't : ur as blind as a baty
[18:49:00] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Well if you don't mind I'm going now. Keep
talking, it'll make an entertaining read when I come back.
[18:49:01] giA~U doN't : why mock?
[18:49:09] giA~U doN't : yes
[18:49:21] giA~U doN't : why are u away when ur not
[18:50:07] giA~U doN't : haah; ur a real mocker; talk about funny
that's not funny
[18:50:46] giA~U doN't : u must be realli annoyed and curious that i
would send a valintines to stephanie
[18:52:01] giA~U doN't : but hey; unless u like to mock someone or u
have a thing for stephanie i suggest u should think before
u type
[18:59:22] giA~U doN't : ur away and online; wat does that tell u?
[18:59:24] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:24] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:24] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:24] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:25] giA~U doN't : haah
[18:59:26] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:26] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:26] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:26] giA~U doN't : haha
[18:59:26] giA~U doN't : haha
[19:00:34] giA~U doN't : u know; u should get to know me before u make
stupid comments
[19:00:45] giA~U doN't : reallly
[19:01:24] * 'Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die
today'- James Bryon has changed his/her name to giA~U doN't
haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys iT all
[19:01:30] giA~U doN't : so i'll just be around; ya
[19:01:44] giA~U doN't : haha yea; and good luck for tomorrow
[19:01:48] giA~U doN't : not that u need it
[19:04:08] giA~U doN't : and guess who's online rite now
[19:05:26] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys
iT all is now Offline
[19:27:11] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys
iT all is now Online
[19:27:24] giA~U doN't : u ther or wat
[19:27:58] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys
iT all is now Offline
[19:33:11] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys
iT all is now Online
[19:33:55] * giA~U doN't haVe to tEll Me anYthinG; CauSe uR eYes sAys
iT all is now Offline
[20:42:55] * A Retarderd Zip is now Online
[20:43:01] * A Retarderd Zip is now Offline
[21:44:41] * I am Online is now Online
[21:44:53] * I am Online is now Offline

| Session Start: 29 August 2003 |
| Participants: |
| ...atrix. Fun, was it? [Yoshikawa] ( |
| I am Online ( |
[23:34:05] I am Online: hey bitch; wassup
[23:34:18] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: OMG HI!
[23:35:20] I am Online: +o(
[23:36:23] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: (boobies)
[23:36:25] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: (finger
[23:36:46] I am Online: haha
[23:40:23] I am Online: ur amazingly talented
[23:40:35] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Why thanks. Unlike some people I know.
[23:40:47] I am Online: oh rite
[23:44:02] I am Online: some ppl?
[23:44:16] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Yes. I'm talking to one AS WE SPEAK.
[23:44:25] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Seriously.
[23:44:41] I am Online: and who's that person
[23:44:53] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Oh, I think you already know this person.
[23:45:04] I am Online: like; WHOM
[23:45:17] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: like; WHY DONT YOU USE YOUR STALKERSKILLS AND
[23:45:39] I am Online: watttttt
[23:45:46] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: That's not a word.
[23:45:56] I am Online: yea; i NOTICED
[23:46:03] I am Online: she's not talking to me
[23:46:04] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: It's not even a neologism, as nobody can hold
a "t" sound for that long.
[23:46:04] I am Online: haha
[23:46:18] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: She? There are over 3 billion women in the
[23:47:22] I am Online: including gays? hahahaha
[23:47:34] I am Online: stephanie is talking to u?
[23:47:38] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Heh heh.
[23:48:03] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You know that deep down you're gay and this
Stephanie thing is just a cover for you. EMBRACE THE LIFE
[23:48:15] I am Online: oh realli
[23:48:33] I am Online: embrace life?
[23:48:37] I am Online: ur talking shit
[23:48:51] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: *BZZT*
[23:48:57] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: realli isn't a word.
[23:49:09] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: And neither is "ur", unless you are referring
to the ancient city...
[23:49:44] I am Online: watever
[23:50:50] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: BZZT
[23:50:53] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: that isn't a word either!
[23:51:03] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Man, you're on a fucking stupid dipshit (tm)
roll today.
[23:51:07] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Or tonight, to be PC.
[23:51:19] I am Online: so
[23:51:27] I am Online: i don't give a shit
[23:51:51] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Just thought you know maybe if you weren't a
stupid stalker you'd have better chances. Mano e mano, this
shit ain't getting you anywhere.
[23:52:05] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: And just as long as you remain a stalker, the
collective us will be after your ass.
[23:52:22] I am Online: define stalker
[23:52:34] I am Online: seriously
[23:52:48] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Perhaps stalker isn't the right word for about...freakishly obsessive?
[23:52:54] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Yeah. You'd give stalkers a bad name.
[23:53:05] I am Online: haha rite
[23:53:13] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: *BZZT* rite is not a word.
[23:53:13] I am Online: obsessive
[23:53:19] I am Online: not
[23:53:26] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Unless you are referring to a "rite of
passage" which is wrong in the defined context.
[23:53:39] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: And dude, you're more obsessive than people
who rent 6 porn tapes a day. Maybe you're both.
[23:54:06] I am Online: u might take urself for granted someday if u
can't shut ur hole
[23:54:12] I am Online: dude!
[23:54:22] * :[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[ »Nice talking to yourself there
Devilmatrix. Fun, was it? [Yoshikawa] has changed his/her
name to :[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[ »Hey look, it's a's a
plane, NO! It's an asteroid coming to kill us all AH HELP
ME AH. [Yoshikawa]
[23:54:34] I am Online: you are the most pathatic dude i ever known
[23:54:46] I am Online: maybe you lack social interacting skills
[23:54:50] I am Online: too bad
[23:54:55] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: "you are the most pathatic dude i ever known"
--- If only YOU knew the irony of that statement.
[23:55:22] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You're just afraid to show yourself, you
[23:56:12] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Oh look at me! Look at me! I can predict the
end of the world AND find an obsessive inspiration in
someone! Don't you realise you're freaking her out, you
[23:58:03] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I knew it! Nothing to say. Well, stew in your
own pathetic juices for a bit.
[23:58:45] I am Online: there's nothing to say to a complete idiotic
[23:58:51] I am Online: there's no point
[23:59:11] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You keep thinking that, you keep thinking
that, while I lead my life and you stay in your bubble.
[00:00:04] I am Online: u have the whole thing screwed and hey; u just
keep talking shit and i'll laugh the whole way
[00:00:15] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Vice versa buddy, vice versa.
[00:00:59] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Oh wait, is "vice versa" too hard a word for
you to comprehend? You gonna cry now? You gonna go to your
inspiration and go "BOO HOO HE'S BEING A MEANY"? You gonna
kill me?
[00:01:13] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: You wouldn't want to go to jail now would
you? Heh heh.
[00:01:25] I am Online: haah no
[00:01:57] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: I hope I'm ripping you up on the inside,
[00:02:20] I am Online: haah sorry to disappoint u.
[00:02:31] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: :P I can wait.
[00:02:41] I am Online: oh yea; and good luck tomorrow
[00:03:21] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Luck from you? Ironic and I don't think I'll
accept tainted shit, thanks.
[00:03:31] I am Online: ok
[00:04:31] * :[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[ »Hey look, it's a's a plane,
NO! It's an asteroid coming to kill us all AH HELP ME AH.
[Yoshikawa] has changed his/her name to :[[-=ブラク_オマン=-]:[
»Hey look, it's a's a plane, NO! It's an asteroid
coming to kill us all AH HELP ME AH.¬_¬ [Yoshikawa]
[00:09:53] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: gIA --- deTeCTivE dAPhE** scOoBy dOO whERe r
U?? says:
he says he's soo pissed off at u
[00:10:00] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Heh heh heh :D
[00:11:03] I am Online: she's on da phone u idiot
[00:11:18] :[[-=ブラク_オマン: Heh heh sure.

From here it gets really mushy and stuff - I find out the identity of said stalker - and also, he goes all repentant and stuff. So:


...See how boring/interesting this is, depending on whether you like information from complete strangers or not?

I went after school at 3.00 to try and do some stuff on my Photography Assignment. I stayed there till 5.25. I have nothing to show for it - I did two test strips but they went to the bin. Exams next week. Mofo.

The one good consolation is no parents, which means I am allowed to stay up insanely late and suffer the consequences.

Tomorrow is the Finale Concert thing for our School Senior Orchestra n' Chamber Orchestra. I'm in it.

On Thursday me, Raymond, Sonny and Willie busked outside Auckland Town Hall. We got all of $5....for about 1/2 an hour's playing. Bastards, I saw half of the people walk past with wallets. I calculated it out and O Sole Mio was worth $1, Pachabel's Canon was worth $1, Enter Sandman was worth $2 and the Holberg suite was not worth anything.

Anyway it's 1:40, I'm tired, I have shit to do tomorrow morning so g'nite.

If anyone I know in REALITY (tm) is reading this, hello. And goodbye, at the same time - hgeololdobye.

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