Friday, December 21, 2007

sometime between 1:30am and 9:30am today, some fucking cunt has tried to steal my motorcycle

okay. so maybe this neighbourhood isnt so safe after all

maybe no neighbourhood is safe.

some dick had taken the cover off and moved it about half a metre (cause i had the steering locked and it only moves in circle), and they tried to jam something into the keyhole to turn it off...and all they managed to do was make it look mangled.

im so fucking angry

so okay on one level its kind of my fault that i leave something under a cover outside the house not in plain view

but i was sleeping


man, first people get stabbed in howick, then my bike gets tampered with....

fuckin hell. so angry.

like, its not even worth that much (okay maybe 1-2 grand but once you bust the lock who is going to want it??) and its my baby

its like someone just tried to steal my child! BASTARDS

and now im really paranoid that its not going to work properly when i ride it.. they were dumb enough to try and jam what seems like a blunt rock into the keyhole, what other fucktarded stuff would they have tried




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