Thursday, March 29, 2007

First day of borders opening omgomgomgom

its crazy how different sylvia park looks i honestly was amazed that it was finished lol didnt look like it was anything good even up to 2 days before today

yeah so first day with customers omg so tired lol

learned how to do eftpos on the fly :o yay for the purchase buttons

unfortunately [or maybe fortunately because i probably hopefully wont do them again;

mistakes of today:

+lost an eftpos reciept. I had two. how did i lose them? i dont know it's probably related to my awesome talent of subliming paper
+assumed TLU was accurate. I told a customer that we had 40 copies on order and didn't actually go to section to check; and thne i look like an egg when the customer shows me the book lol
+ a customer buying 100 dollars + of stuff asked if they could have a calico bag for free. i was like hmmm i dunno if i can over it too mcuh so the dude was like one of those condescending things and i feel real bad. next time i shall call CSM immediately!!! and ask

omg kids is a nightmare i hate kids its the worst section in store roflcopter soi soi

its like having a ministore in a store, you *really* have to know where everything goes. "is there a holiday section!? maybe there is"

ok bye

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