Saturday, September 10, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Despite my initial misgivings, man, this movie is solid gold (not the radio station) Johnny depp was MUCH better than I had ever expected for him in this role - he isn't really paedophilic, just...quirky. There's lots of levels to him and a whole lot of subtlety...(did I sepll that right >.>) it's great, Freddie Highmore does well, some of the actors look vaguely familiar (like his mum/mom)...the music's great, the visuals are stunning and Tim Burton proves again he's still got the touch. It's fantastical but not to the point where it's unbelieveable. It's like how life might look if you viewed it through a memory.

Willy Wonka gets a lot more backstory to him too. You can't really compare this to the original, they kinda do different takes on the thing.

It's great.

The O.C

This is better than I thought it would be. considering I didn't stop watching after the first 10 minutes of the yeah.

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