Wednesday, July 21, 2010

omg new design

I was getting sick of the old design so I just mucked around with it. Pretty easy click and do-stuff with blogger. NICE. Also, I took off adsense, cause I have earned $0.01 since I had them on.

lolz! Who was I kidding anyway, hardly anyone reads this any more. I've been putting off actually making a professional, serious site with like a proper about me and this is what Ive done and this is what I am doing etc etc etc but after coming home from work i just dont feel like doing anything

i was going to shove my silly microsoft logos (ie LOOK I CAN DO SHAREPOINTZ) but I couldn't figure out where to put it so I haven't...yet.

also, FFXIV beta is being stink to me and timing out on the login :(

hope everything is good with everyone!


Unknown said...

i read every post. but agree make a portfolio website!

Unknown said...

I read every post too... when I can remember to check your blog. Also... WHAT FF XIV BETA WHERE?!