Monday, July 26, 2010

ffs i cant decide which i hate more, my sick body or my sick car, is there such a thing as ragesick

Sunday, July 25, 2010

its not often you play a gig on a sunday when your old orthodontist is in the crowd and its his daughters birthday who you know through the guitarist and you are a little sick because you like cats but are allergic to them and have a weird rash thing on your face and your car wont start for some reason, thanks sonny and dennis for coming!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

You know what all banks should let us do? HAve like a "virtual overdraft"

so thats where I can put in $100 or $200

and then its like emergency money, so if i ever DO have to go into "overdraft", it will take from that emergency money (and not charge overdraft feez)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

omg new design

I was getting sick of the old design so I just mucked around with it. Pretty easy click and do-stuff with blogger. NICE. Also, I took off adsense, cause I have earned $0.01 since I had them on.

lolz! Who was I kidding anyway, hardly anyone reads this any more. I've been putting off actually making a professional, serious site with like a proper about me and this is what Ive done and this is what I am doing etc etc etc but after coming home from work i just dont feel like doing anything

i was going to shove my silly microsoft logos (ie LOOK I CAN DO SHAREPOINTZ) but I couldn't figure out where to put it so I haven't...yet.

also, FFXIV beta is being stink to me and timing out on the login :(

hope everything is good with everyone!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The worst part of a Sunday is around about 10pm, when you realise you are going to have to go to sleep soon, but in doing so the next thing you're going to have to do is go to work

If only we were all millionaires!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

lol so according to Arron, the last two years of FFXIV's development have been solely to get the installer down to 114mb by zipping the zip files that have been zipped repeatedly in a zip cycle

and its someones job to use win zip. all day.

and also they wanted to release it on floppy disk but they thought they would release ffxiv now, and then ffxvii will come out years later on floppy disk.

...lulz :)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Ready for what, Microsoft??

Activision's Robert Kotick:

"We've heard that 60 percent of [Microsoft's] subscribers are principally on Live because of Call of Duty," Kotick told FT. "We don't really participate financially in that income stream. We would really like to be able to provide much more value to those millions of players playing on Live, but it's not our network."

What he really meant was:

"We've heard that 60 percent of [Microsoft's] subscribers are principally on Live because of Call of Duty," Kotick told FT. "We don't really get any money from that. We would really like to be able to get more millions from players playing on Live, but it's not our network."

Which is fair enough, Activision is a business, but it doesn't make him any less of a dick.