Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What is up with this ridiculously cold weather in October? It was promising for a while, warming and stuff, but then BAM today and yesterday, supercold. At work, our toilet is super cold, which is great; just great.

Band practice is pretty regular! This is the way Fist Full of Fives should have been; just need a bit of new material now. Radio show on bFM tentatively booked in for 22nd October Thursday morning ~9.30am (listen in! I think they stream it live; or listen to the recordings later), then recording an EP the weekend after that. I think my drumming has gotten a little better; obviously still a lot of room for improvement, but the drumpart for Lazybones goes from like double time to half time to normal time to what is going on

I am flying down to Wellington for the day for work tomorrow, which means a super early wakeup (pretty much a bad thing) but also means I get some time to study on the plane, cause I totally won't be tempted to play PSP, no, not at all.

How is everyone? Does anyone still read this friggn thng? I am not really that sorry thatmost of my stuff is on twitter now; I really only joined cause my boss had one, and now it's just so much easir to txt something to twitterthan to make a post here.

But the great thing about this (or the bad thing about twitter) is that you can (can't) do THIS

And I'm too lazy to undo it. Okay, anyways, hope everyone is doing well!

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