Aha! get it? How witty and ironic.
Let's have some word definitions, because who knows, you might be retarded.
like1 (l
v. liked, lik·ing, likes
v. tr.
- To find pleasant or attractive; enjoy.
- To want to have: would like some coffee.
- To feel about; regard: How do you like her nerve!
- Archaic. To be pleasing to.
hate [heyt] Pronunciation Key verb, hat‧ed, hat‧ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. | to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry. |
2. | to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it. |
3. | to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility. |
4. | intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility. |
5. | the object of extreme aversion or hostility. |
don't (d
- Contraction of do not.
- Nonstandard. Contraction of does not.
- A statement of what should not be done: a list of the dos and don'ts.
As you can see, do not + To find pleasant or attractive; enjoy. != to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry
Unfortunately, one cannot assume that they are communicating with someone with skills above that of a barnyard animal.
Y'know, why should I have to move out, actually? I'm pretty sure you're way your welcome date. Don't be so self-important; you're not even on the top of the list of reasons why I would want (not actually) move out.
All over the world, there are people I don't like. Conversely, all over the world, there are most definitely people who either do not or will not like me. That's okay for me... But apparently not to a Nazi, hey? OH SHIT, DOESNT LIKE ME OH DAMMIT OH NO OH NO; three words - TOUGH FUCKING TITTIES.
Just because I don't like someone doesn't automatically mean I'm going to cut their pillows into little shreds or spit in their eye, because frankly I'm not quite that bored yet. Unfortunately, someone is like, an affection Nazi, so, hmm. "Oh you don't like me, so I'm not going to blahblabhablhablahbablabahbalhexhaustivelist"
Do you think World Vision sponsors really like their sponsor kid in fucking Afghanistan or whatever? They don't wake up every day and think of poor Ahmed starving or whatever bullshit. No. No, they do not. They don't like the kid. But they're not about to go out there to kick him in the face and grind his hair through a windmill. Do you like that guy on the bus who dropped his books but you picked some of them up for him?
I'd hate to be a patient of a retarded doctor.
I hope for the next ten years, every time you need to take a shit in a public toilet, you're always left with the dingiest, most downbeaten and hideously revolting cubicle to contend with. Oh, and also someone accidentally spills coffee on your head. How could I also forget the one where you're trying to cross the road, but you're too stupid so you get stuck in the middle and cars beep at you, and you get really stressed out and piss your pants and have to do a presentation in the next five minutes and you can't dry your pants in time so you buy some new pants but then you still smell like stale urine anyway and you get a D- on the basis that someone doing a presentation of hygiene should be subject to personal hygiene too.
Oh yeah, and um, you want that last beautiful mango and chicken sandwich, but the lady refuses to sell it to you, because she says you look like an ass.
And, uh, you get on the bus and try to produce a bus fare, but you're 10c short and the driver tells you vehemently to "GTFO".
Um, a bird will also shit on your glasses and it will splatter into your mouth and you will taste it for the rest of the week, which will ruin your birthday meal.
Thanks Thomas for the ride home, saved me 30+ mins.
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