Steve Irwin walked into a barb...
too soon?
How do you get four homosexuals on a barstool?
Turn it upside down.
What is the opposite of Christopher Reeve?
Christopher Walken.
What's black and sits at the top of the stairs?
Superman after a house fire.
Why did the black man cross the road?
Because I told him to.
What do you say when you see your TV floating around in the darkness?
Drop it nigger!
How do you get a bunch of niggers to stop raping a woman?
Throw a basketball at them.
How do you blindfold a Chinaman?
Dental Floss
- How many emos does it take to change a light bulb?
- None, they just sit in the dark and cry.
- How do you get an emo out of a tree?
- cut the rope
- Two emos jumped off a cliff, which one lands first?
- Why the fuck would I care?
- Whats green and goes red at the touch of a button?
- A frog in a blender
What goes Tick Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross tick tick Cross Cross Cross...
The Attendance Register at Columbine High
What's the difference between Muslims and Smarties?
Smarties don't blow up in the tube.
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