Monday, February 20, 2006

M.I.N.D thing.

I think this is correct
I think this is utter bullshit

Your basic approach to thinking involves hunches and group input . When you are learning something new you prefer to work in groups and be fond the new material. When trying to solve problems you generally choose to work in groups and discover solutions. When you communicate you generally use own knowledge and are amiable .

You are generally seen as very personable. It is very important to you that people work and live in harmony. People feel you are very empathetic and will come to you with their personal problems. You are probably an outwardly emotional person. You prefer work in groups or teams.You just noticed they said the same thing three times. You enjoy talking with people even strangers. You generally are interested in people's feelings and the meaning behind what happens. You learn best by listening, sharing ideas and combining the new with your own experience, or those of friends, co-workers or other learners.

You appear to lack of a preference for or possibly dislike intuitive thinking. This also can indicate that you don't like to take risks. To you hunches, gut feelings, instant insights or inspirations are not valid ways of finding solutions to problems. You probably are somewhat conservative and prefer tradition over the 'brand new' or the 'newest fads'. Brainstorming sessions are probably annoying to you or you put little stock in them.

The following nouns and/or adjectives tend to describe PROBABLE STRENGTHS of yours:
personably verbal
working member
rule challenger

The following nouns and/or adjectives tend to describe POSSIBLE WEAKNESSES of yours:
too friendly
get too involved in others lives
don't know when to back off
unprofessional seeming at times
give in too often
don't stand up for yourself

I'd say it's around 50/50. This test is bullshit lol, talk about guess and run.

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