Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Metrolink Bus Driver Fail - I was in line and got on the bus as usual, but this driver for some reason decided that it would be okay to shut his bus doors on the last person in line, and drive off, citing 'I'm late' as a suitable excuse (even though it was him who was late to the stop.) That's bad enough on its own, but this was even worse because it was just a child that was waiting.

This morning, the same child was there and it was also the same driver, and when accused of driving off yesterday which I clearly saw him doing, he denied it all.

Already knowing he is in the wrong, he then decides to accuse the mother and child of not paying the right fare, which is quickly disproven when he looks at her ticket.

His demeanor was generally rude and confrontational, and puts a black stain upon Metrolink's reputation - a bus driver that does not look out for the welfare of its passengers, and especially children, should not be carrying passengers.


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