Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Okay, so I thought today was going to be a great day. Like, not a crappy end like yesterday.

Oh, no.

Okay so the rest of the day was great.

But let's start from the end.

I'm riding the bus home.

I step off the bus.

Fish for my keys...


I turn around forlornly, and the bus has already long departed.

My legs are far too sore to run after it.

So...now I have:

no university ID
no money
no library card




Computer Graphics 372 looks like it's going to be an interesting class. Lecturer is also german (like 372)!! omg. how itneresting lol maybe germany is the secret centre for this sort of tech. charming lectuer with charming accent GERMAN GErMAN

ok but like

372 is like the MASSIVE COMBINATION of all my papers lol

needs MATHS108 (vectors matrices differentiation)
needs COMPSCI101, 105, 220 (algorithms and analysis)
needs COMPSCI210 (C language)


and then 344 is like the other side, with the 230 JDBC stuff and WHOAMG i really should have paied much more attention last year cause we neeeed it lol

i think i saw joy on the bus.

i managed to get through 30 pages of ulysses by james joyuce. its supposed to be #1 novel in the world. its very hard to read i have to be concentrating. :s

=40 minute lapse==

Wallet retrieval mission: part 2

ok. so after being told that buses route back once they've done bucklands beach and stuff, i decided to wait @ the priestley drive busstop in the hopes that the bus will be the same one i rode

7:05 arrival. but unfortunatealy not the right bus (the bus i was on had the big orange lettering) but the nice bus driver informed me that buses on their way back from the bucklands beach route *never* go through priestley but go down buck;lands bch road instead. which makes sebnse. so he radioed the dude of the bus he thought i was on, and then let me down on the bucklands bch stop

wait like 20 seconds

bus arrives *tragedy* not the right driver or bus. told him this. he said its ok all driver clear their buses, call depot at 8pm.

so i will. i also sent them an email.

RARRRRRR panicmotion

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