Sunday, September 05, 2004

Today was my birthday - which went pretty well I must admit.

Okay, in the end my prediction was still true - I did wake up, do a bunch of shit and then go back to sleep. While sleeping though, I dreamed up the reasoning behind the circle phenomenon, which occurs whenever friends/accomplices etc get together. It appears King Arthur isn't the only culprit - while at the movies we were part of the circle phenomenon too - which is when you stand around in a circle to take up maximum space and exclude the rest of the world.

Unfortunately I can't remember the reason why we did it, but it did involve a whole lot of flowers and white feathers.

...yeah. So today was my birthday - I woke up quite early and in the event of my waking up William woke up too. I found my present on top of cereal which was witty thinking on his part. He knows my morning habits!! (fear fear fear) Yeah. It's the Brooke Fraser "What to do with Daylight" special edition album. I have no idea why he chose that. Maybe there's a reason. Maybe it's because Brooke Fraser has really really fat lips. Or a really really big nose. Not that I have any of that. And then William went to work (because it's Fathers Day as well, Valentines was packed so they called him in for a double shift or something) and didn't get home till late, and Richard had some shitty conference thing. I ended up spending the morning playing Final Fantasy IX on the PS2. Then I went online. Then Sonny said "let's go busking!" I said "ok come over and we'll sort things out".

And then we realised that logistics were against us in this endeavour and decided to bum around instead. I mean, it is my birthday. Only comes once every 365/366 days. Then, played PS2...bummed around really really really scared with Doom 3 (oh that game is horrible. I shall never play it again)


And then because William didn't bring home enough food for two partly because he didn't know Sonny was over and because he could probably only smuggle one plate out of Valentines (which was very nice by the way), me and Sonny decided to cook again. This time, we made:

Henry's Birthday Cake

1/2 pack pasta
1/2 container mince
Honey soy sauce
Ingredient Y
Tomato sauce

Bring pasta to boil with a buit of tomato sauce and basil. Boil until firm (this is important, it can't be too soft otherwise you lose the nice chewyness of the pasta). Then in a pan brown the mince and onions with the honey soy sauce - simmer for a bit, then stir in ingredient Y until even. Drain the pasta and serve. Garnish with more basil and top off the mince with herb of your choice (I recommend rosemary or lemongrass)

Serves 2.



Oh I'm bored.

Oh I'm tired.

Oh I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

I don't want my exams back ;_;



ghrm. Here's to another year of being alive! URAH!

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