Really, visitors? Really? I don't get a lot of visitors, but is this *really* how random people I don't know come across this blog?
Touché, google...
In other news -
Thats right
I have a proper site now - it runs on - it feels more "mature" :) (M for Mature)
I find more and more that I use this blog for random random ramblings; stuff that really is more suited for twitter and is not really much longer than 150 characters. So expect updates to become even more infrequent on here (such as they are), and instead move to twitter / my new shiny web presence
Some other dude took It's okay though, I grabbed
Anyway. That's that; I won't be closing this blog, cause it's like a time capsule almost. Trawl through old posts, I dare you. See the sort of drivel I used to (and probably still do) type out...
You don't understand where you are without knowing where you were!
Be bold be brave be amazing (lol only Arron will get this)
till next time, cats!